The mason jar salad has been plastered all over pinterest for quite some time now and I finally decided I had to try it to see what the hype was all about. My poor husband is normally left to fend for himself as far as a lunch goes in the mornings. Not a very good wife I am! I would love to be able to make him lunch more often but I need easy, quick ideas! He loves a good salad but we’re always struggling to find tupperware lids to match the containers not only for the salad but also for dressing as he’s running out the door. Things need to get more organized around here.
Yesterday afternoon I was pinteresting some lunch ideas and of course I came across the mason jar salad again. So I decided to try it as so many others seem to find it so quick and easy! And it WAS!
I thought it was worth a share for anyone who works outside of the home looking for an easy and quick way to throw salads together! The options for what kind of salad to make is endless really.
I sent it with my husband for lunch today. He said it was delicious and he loved not having to hunt down a dressing container right before he left! I haven’t experimented with the shelf life but after some research, it sounds like 3-4 days is about good.
You want to layer all your ingredients starting with the dressing at the bottom, a more hearty vegetable like cucumbers, peppers or mushrooms next, more fixin’s in the middle and the lettuce on top so it won’t get soggy and gross. When you empty it out, lettuce will be on the bottom with all the good stuff on top just the way a perfect salad should be!
So here’s the ingredients I used from bottom to top:
-greek dressing
– cucumbers
-cherry tomatoes
-grilled chicken
– olives
– lettuce
– fetta cheese