Happy Birthday my 3 year olds. The two little souls that are responsible for making me a mama. I can’t believe how the years are just flying. Yesterday I was getting so emotional looking back at your newborn photos but even though I keep not wanting each stage to end, truly every new stage is better than the one before. It seems to get more and more fun as you get older and become two little people with unique personalities. You’re both such joyful little boys and make people smile wherever we go.
I love that you’re my little buddies now and we can have conversations about the world while we’re driving in the car. You’re both so observant and inquisitive. Both of you love sports like your daddy. Golfing is your favourite. You currently ask to go mini-golfing about two times a day and apparently you both want to be pro-golfers as a profession? Ok, we’ll see about that.
The bond you share with each other is the best part of who you are. The gift of being twins is such a special thing and you are so close and loved by the other in such a unique and special way. It’s the coolest thing to watch.
Even though you both agree now that you’ll stay with me and snuggle me forever, I know that one day I’ll have to let you go. That you’ll spread your wings and fly and whether you’re near or far, I’ll be standing on the sidelines cheering you on. But for right now, I will cherish these special moments the Lord has given me to be a vital part of your lives. To love you, to guide you and to enjoy each moment and stage of life with you.
As I tell you each night before “covering you in” as you both call it, I love you to the moooooon and back! So so excited to celebrate you both today Skyler and Bryson. Happy 3rd Birthday. xoxoxox
Outfits: Leggings – Os and Oaks, shirts – Whistle and Flute, Denim shirt – Carters