Why I always start my day with Oatmeal

In my monthly challenge groups, at the end of each day, we all share what we ate for every meal for accountability. It’s fun to see what everyone else is cooking up and most of my challengers have a lot of variety in their meals. Not me. I’m totally a creature of habit and I’m fine eating the same things over and over again. I mean I’ll make different types of salads for lunch, and I’m forced to be more creative with dinners since my family would not be impressed if I fed them chicken and sweet potato every single night of the week. But my breakfast has been the same for as long as I can remember:  a good hearty bowl of oatmeal. It’s my absolute favourite meal of the day. And I was eating it long before the “oat bowl” even became a thing.

My favourite type of oats are steel cut. Now I’ll admit I used to top it with a good little sprinkle of brown sugar and smother it in cows milk since thats how I grew up eating it. But since I’ve eliminated most sugars from my diet, my favourite way to dress it up is by adding some berries, a few almonds, a little almond milk and a pinch of cinnamon! Delish!! There are so many yummy ways to make it!



After doing a little research, here’s a couple health benefits I found to eating oatmeal on a regular basis:

Fills you up – I’ve gone through phases in the past where I would eat bagels or muffins or a slice of toast for breakfast…. especially while I was pregnant! Breakfast foods high in sugar and fat can make you feel full for a brief period, but then you’re hungry again. That’s what I always found when I would eat the above foods. The fiber in oatmeal fills you up and leaves you a lot more satisfied. I find I’m not craving as many snacks later on during the day.

Whole Grain – Oatmeal is a whole grain, and eating whole grains can lower your risk for a number of different diseases, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal also contains a plant chemical called lingens that has been found to prevent heart disease.

Lower Cholestoral – Oatmeal contains a specific type of fiber called beta-glucan. There have been a lot of studies done that have proven the effects of this fibre on cholestoral levels. One-and-a-half cups of oatmeal contains more than five grams of fiber so eating it on a regular basis can really help lower your cholesterol.

Immune system booster – The high fiber in oatmeal protects against heart disease and boosts your immune system. It helps your immune cells find and repair parts of the body that may be fighting a bacterial infection.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar: When you’re eating a lot of fiber, this helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and will help provide that mid-morning crash, which happens when you eat a lot of sugar and empty carbs early in the day.



So there you go. I bet you didn’t know how healthy a single serving of oatmeal could really be!

Thanks for reading.

xo Natalie

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Chocolate Pudding

This is a fun little healthy dessert I whipped up last week. 4 ingredients you guys!!

Here’s what you need:

  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of cocoa powder
  • 2 avocados, halved, pitted and peeled

Blend the avocado, cocoa, honey and vanilla in a blender until smooth! Serves 4.



Healthy Snack-7 (1)Healthy Snack-2-2 (1)Spring Fashion

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What does a day of meals look like while on the 21 day fix?!

My first 21 day fix absolutely changed my life. Prior to starting the program, I thought I was doing a great job at eating healthy. I ate fruit and vegetables daily. I ate a lot of fresh, unprocessed foods. Tried to stick to brown rice and whole wheat bread and pastas and I was pretty limiting of my sugar intake. Sounds ok right? But I was still doing a lot of things WRONG!

I wasn’t eating NEAR enough veggies in my diet, way too many fats (like a whole avocado for example oooops!!) and carbs, skipping meals all the time (mom life), and snacking on the wrong foods late at night! The fix uses this amazing color coded container system that teaches you how to measure your portions properly and get exactly the right amounts of each of the food groups in your diet. I couldn’t believe how simple and doable it was for my busy schedule, yet it helped me to make such drastic changes to my diet and kick those bad habits to the curb!

I hate diets. I hate feeling restricted and deprived. I had tried so many things in the past to get healthy and just got discouraged and quit. But to be honest (other than my starbucks withdrawal when I cut it out that first month :P) I never once felt hungry or deprived when doing this program.  I actually eat MORE in a day than I was before I started the fix, just the right foods.

The changes and healthy eating habits I’ve adapted, have stuck with me as I go into month 5 of this new lifestyle. It actually excites me to fuel my body with so many healthy foods because I know what it’s done for me so far (see my results here) and I know how amazing I feel at the end of the day.


So here’s what a day on the fix might look like (the options are totally endless and you can be as creative with your meal planning as you want to be!):

  • Breakfast: greek yogurt + kiwi, banana, blueberries
  • Snack: shakeology with berries
  • Lunch: Ryvita with chicken and snap peas
  • Snack: Celery, tomatoes and humus
  • Dinner: Sweet potato, chicken strips and cauliflower!

Not so bad right?! It pays off to give your body what it needs. 

Thanks for reading! Shoot me an e-mail at young.natalie29@gmail.com if you’re interested in learning more about the 21 day fix! xo

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