I didn’t plan to blog today but I made this salad for lunch and thought it was definitely worth the share! I love when I can open a recipe book and find things to make that involve ingredients I already have in the fridge or cupboards. 3-4 ingredient recipes are my best friend (and ones I can normally manage without screwing something up) soooo you’ll be seeing a lot of those around here! I was feeling uninspired for lunch today so I grabbed this book and found this easy peasy brussels sprout salad. First of all, I might be so dumb but I didn’t know you could make a salad with brussel sprouts?!?! I was out of lettuce ALL week! Normally we boil or fry our brussel sprouts so it didn’t even occur to me to eat them raw in a salad! But it was delicious! So here’s what’s in it:
- Brussel sprout leaves
- avacado (only a few slices! I have a about 1/3rd of an avacado – it’s a healthy fat but you still have to be careful! ;))
- pumpkin seeds
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
Toss and done! I had some sliced chicken on the side as well for protein! Enjoy!!